Sunday, January 9, 2011

Meals and Movies

Désolé for the long blog absence, mes amis. I enjoyed a wonderful holiday season with my family. Everyone took part in the annual cookie-decorating ritual and much fun was had by all. For New Year’s Eve, I snagged a spot on the commuter airline that goes from Home Town to Midwestern Metropolis. My généreux friend R put me up for a few days and I remembered how exciting it was to interact with other twentysomethings. One challenge of this recovery has been the socialization process from “development worker” to “full-time patient.” This trip reminded me of other past identities (biology TA, creative writer, etc) and made me feel more confident about the next steps in my life.

Adventures in eating included chocolate-chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, pad Thai and a delicious chicken stir-fry prepared by R’s wonderful parents. For movies, we watched the delightful “Despicable Me,” the artistic “I Am Love” and the hilariously historical “Tristan and Isolde.” Upon arriving in Home Town, I watched “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” with my father at our local arts cinema. I loved reading the Stieg Larsson novels and thought that the film adaptation was quite faithful to the themes of the books if not the intricate details and subplots.

Recovery is going well, but there are still a few benchmarks I need to hit before medical clearance. I’ll be chez moi for a few more weeks. I’ve been revising my senior thesis into une sorte de writing sample for graduate school applications and will hopefully start substitute teaching in the next few days. Hope that 2011 is off to a great start for you and yours!

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