Monday, October 11, 2010

Donne-moi un signe, aucun signe!

Before leaving Host Country, we had a session on local superstitions and legends in Host Country. For a wonderful list, check out Valerie at Exit Anytime. According to the All-Knowing Mind (aka Wikipedia), Rules of Three exist in the fields of medicine, Wicca, mathematics, writing, economics, programming et beaucoup d’autres (and many more). With respect to writing, things often come in threes to suggest the building up and release of dramatic tension, to emphasize certain traits and to establish patterns. In the past few weeks, I’ve been searching for signs that I will indeed return to Host Country. To wit:

1) The NBC Nightly News ran a story about the Peace Corps reentering Sierra Leone after a 16-year absence. Many questions ensued from family and community members as to the veracity of this portrayal. Verdict: Accurate
2) The Amazing Race participants left Accra, Ghana to voyager to a rural village.My mother commented that she is now able to identify several West African countries on a map. Yeah Goal 3: Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.
3) Walking up my driveway, I noticed a spider web with a central gap that looked almost precisely like Africa. It was glittering in the mid-afternoon sun and I meant to take a photograph of it before the rain came down. No citation, but I have a very reliable witness.

And if you still think that those occurrences are due to the random hand of La Fortune ou les lubies (the whims) of national television and local arachnids, I submit the greatest sign of all: great messages from friends, family and community members. Thank you/Merci/Barka/Gracias/Obrigado/Jerejef/Danke.

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